e enjte, 13 shtator 2007

Our Smallest Orphans

This is Baby Faith and I in the clinic. Faith is Mercy's twin sister. They are now two months old and we just gave them their two month immunizations!

Mercy has recovered well from her respiratory infection. Faith had Malaria the week after Mercy was sick, but she has also recovered well. They are both doing great!

1 koment:

LivingTheLife tha...

Mercy and Faith...what awesome names! Thinking about you and all the great things you are doing. Along, with the wonderful experiences you are able to live. I hate that you have malaria...what an evil thing illness is...I guess that is one experience you could have done without...eh??....I know you will feel better, soon...until then...know you are in my continued prayers.

Angels watch over you and keep you...
